ILLUSTRATOR BUG FIXING (ccx_fnft_dialog_name error in Illustrator)
The ccx_fnft_dialog_name error in Illustrator typically occurs in Adobe Illustrator and is associated with a dialog box-related function. When this error arises, users may experience issues with dialog boxes or encounter unexpected behavior within the application.

While the exact cause of the error may vary, you can take several simple steps to resolve it.
Step 1: Click on the Edit option

Step 2: Go to the bottom preferences option then click

Step 3: After clicking the preferences a new dialog box opens and then click on general

Step 4: Next a new pop-up box will open and click on use legacy “file new” interface then click ok.

If the above steps do not work successfully, you may consider uninstalling and reinstalling Adobe Illustrator. Before doing so, make sure to back up your files and preferences. Uninstall Illustrator using the appropriate procedure for your operating system, and then download and install the latest version from the Adobe Creative Cloud.
However, if the error persists even after following these steps, it is advisable to consult Adobe’s official support documentation or reach out to their customer support for further assistance. Their expertise and resources can provide more specific guidance tailored to your situation, ensuring a quick resolution to the ccx_fnft_dialog_name error and any other technical difficulties you may encounter.
Follow the above steps carefully.
Also, check the recent article about cryptocurrency Vector Icon Set 50+ here.
Download the latest Abode illustrator software from here.